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Dr. Margaret Sala 



NIH NCCIH K23. Digital Mindfulness Meditation-enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Binge Eating Disorder (PI). Awarded with Priority Score of 20. Total Amount: $830,489. 


Hollander Research Award
Total Amount: $3,000

2016 – 2019

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

​Total Award: $138,000

2018 – 2019

P.E.O. Scholar Award
Total Award: $15,000

Adult Students


We proudly present a curated collection of research contributions from our esteemed group of psychologists at Sala Psychology. Delve into a variety of insightful studies, academic papers, and expert analyses that reflect our commitment to advancing the fields of psychology and mental health. Explore the depth of expertise within our practice as we share evidence-based insights and findings directly from our team of professionals. This repository showcases our dedication to staying at the forefront of research, ensuring that our clients receive the most informed and effective treatments available. Whether you're seeking to understand the latest developments or looking for research-backed insights, our collection is designed to provide you with a reliable source of information. Embrace the power of research and knowledge as you journey towards enhanced mental well-being. At Sala Psychology, our dedication to excellence extends beyond therapy, shaping the future of psychology itself.


Abstract Reviewer 

Society of Behavioral Medicine

Ad Hoc Reviewer 

PLoS One, Obesity Reviews, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, Journal of Addiction and Research Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and Research, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice

Internal Committee Membership

Ferkauf Gradate School Data/Assessment Committee, Spring 2021
Ferkauf Graduate School Psy.D. Faculty Search Committee, 2022-2023
Ferkauf Gradate School Diversity Coalition Speakers/Workshop Committee, 2021-2023
Ferkauf Gradate School Clinical Psy.D. Admissions Committee, 2021-2023

External Committee Membership

Academy of Eating Disorders Advocacy and Communications Committee, 2015 – 2018
Academy of Eating Disorders Social Media Committee, 2021 – 2022.

Peer-Reviewed Publications


Sala, M., Kressel, M.*, Hagan, K., Breithaupt, L., & Levinson, C.A. (In press). The study of eating disorders from a network perspective: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.


Brosof, L., Sala, M., Rosenfield, D., Fernandez, K., & Levinson, C.A. (In press). Body dissatisfaction moderates the relationship between social anxiety and exercise frequency: An ecological momentary assessment study. 


Sala, M., Aslan, M., Gueorguieva, R., Schupak, M.*, & Garrison, K.A. (2023). A network investigation of core mindfulness processes. Mindfulness, 14, 992-1004. doi: 10.1007/s12671-023-02109-4


Sala, M., Levinson, C.A., Kober, H., & Roos, C.R (2023). A pilot open trial of a digital mindfulness-based intervention for anorexia nervosa. Behavior Therapy. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2023.01.003


Sala, M., Keshishian, A.*, Song, S.*, Moskowitz, R.*, Bulik, C.M., Roos, C.R. & Levinson, C.A (2023). Predictors of eating disorder relapse: A meta-analysis. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 158, 281-299. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2023.01.002


Song, S.*, Stern, C.*, Deitsch, T*,  & Sala, M. (2023). Acculturation and eating disorders: a systematic review. Eating and Weight Disorders. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s40519-023-01563-2.


Aslan, M., Sala, M., Gueorguieva, R., & Garrison, K.A. (2023). A network analysis of cigarette craving. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntad021


Sala, M., Taylor, A.*, Crochiere, R.J.*,  Zhang, F. & Forman, E.M. (2022). Application of machine learning to discover interactions predictive of dietary lapses. Applied Psychology – Health and Well-Being. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12432


Sala, M., Evangelista, B.*, Lessard, L., & Pacanowski, C.R. (2022). Mindfulness and binge eating symptoms. The International Journal of Health, Wellness, and Society, 12(1), 69-77.


Sala, M. (2022). The treatment of compulsive exercise in individuals with eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia: Where do we go from here? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 29(2), 162–163. doi: 10.1037/cps0000063


Sala, M., Vanzhula, I.*, Roos, C.R., & Levinson, C.A. (2022). Mindfulness and eating disorders: A network analysis. Behavior Therapy, 53(2), 224-239. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2021.07.002


Sahlan, R.* & Sala, M. (2022). Eating disorders psychopathology and negative affect in Iranian college students: A network analysis. Journal of Eating Disorders, 10(1), 1-14. doi: 10.1186/s40337-022-00683-x


Moskowitz, R.*, Schecther*, A., & Sala, M. (2022). Combined mindfulness- and acceptance-based therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy treatments for eating disorders: A narrative review. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. doi: 10.1007/s10879-022-09556-5  


Sahlan, R.* & Sala, M. (2022). Eating disorder psychopathology and resilience in Iranian college students: A network analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1002/jclp.23428


Crochiere, R.J.*, Abber, S.R.*, Taylor, L.*, Sala, M., Schumacher, L.M., Goldstein, S.P., & Forman, E.M. (2022).  Momentary predictors of dietary lapse from a mobile weight loss intervention. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 45(2), 324-330. doi: 10.1007/s10865-021-00264-4


Sala, M., Roos, C.R., Crochiere, R.J.*, Butryn, M.L., Juarascio, A.S., Manasse, S.M., & Forman, E.M. (2021). Real-time fluctuations in mindful awareness, willingness, and values clarity, and their associations with craving and dietary lapse among those seeking weight loss. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 22, 87-92, doi: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2021.10.002


Sala, M., Roos, C.R., Brewer, J.A., & Garrison, K.A. (2021). Awareness, affect, and craving during smoking cessation: an ecological momentary study. Heath Psychology, 40(9), 578-586. doi:10.1037/hea0001105


Sala, M., Geary, B.*, Baldwin, A.S. (2021). A mindfulness-based physical activity intervention: a randomized pilot study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83(6), 615-623. doi: 10.1097/PSY.000000000000088


Roos, C.R., Sala., M., Kober, H., Vanzhula, I., & Levinson, C.A. (2021). Mindfulness-based interventions for eating disorders: The potential to mobilize multiple associative-learning change mechanisms. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54(9), 1601-1607. doi: 10.1002/eat.23564.


Berry, M.*, Sala, M., Abber, S.*, & Forman, E.M. (2021). Incorporating automated digital interventions into coach-delivered weight loss treatment: A meta-analysis. Heath Psychology, 40(8), 534-545. doi:10.1037/hea0001106.


Sala, M., Linde, J.A., Crosby, R.D., & Pacanowski C.R (2021). State body dissatisfaction predicts positive and negative affect but not weight control behaviors: An ecological momentary assessment study. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 26(6), 1957-1962. doi: 10.1007/s40519-020-01048-6


Sala, M., Linde, J. A., Crosby, R. D., & Pacanowski, C. R. (2021). Affect and engagement in healthy and unhealthy weight control behaviors in college women: An ecological momentary assessment study. Eating Behaviors, 40, 101439. doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2020.101439


Masheb, R.M., Sala, M., Marsh, A.G., Snow, J.L. Kutz, A.M., & Ruser, C.B (2021). Associations between adverse childhood experiences and weight, weight control behaviors, and quality of life in Veterans seeking weight management service. Eating Behaviors, 40, 101461. doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2020.101461.


Sala, M., Quinn, N., & Freeman, J.T. (2021). Factors associated with weight loss within a blended virtual and face-to-face MOVE!® program: a retrospective study. Military Behavioral Health, 3, 297-302. doi: 10.1080/21635781.2021.1888828


Sala, M., & Levinson, C.A. (2020). The association between mindfulness facets and body checking in individuals with high and low eating disorder pathology. Mindfulness, 11, 2199-2205. doi: 10.1007/s12671-020-01445-z


Sala, M., Shankar Ram, S.*, Vanzhula, I.A., & Levinson, C.A (2020). Mindfulness and eating disorder psychopathology: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(6), 834-851. doi: 10.1002/eat.23247


Sala, M., Rochefort, C., Lui, P.P., & Baldwin, A.S. (2020). Mindfulness and health behaviors: A meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review, 14(3), 345-393. doi: 10.1080/17437199.2019.1650290


Vanzhula, I., Sala, M., Christian, C., Hunt, R.A., Keshishian, A.C, Wong, V.Z., Ernst, S., Spoor, S.P., & Levinson, C.A (2020). Avoidance coping during mealtimes predicts higher eating disorder symptoms. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(4), 625-630. doi: 10.1002/eat.23254


Sala, M., Brosof, L.C., & Levinson, C.A. (2019). Repetitive negative thinking predicts eating disorder behaviors: A pilot ecological momentary assessment study in a treatment seeking eating disorder sample. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 112, 12-27. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2018.11.005


Sala, M., Vanzhula, I., & Levinson C.A. (2019). A longitudinal study on the association between facets of mindfulness and eating disorder symptoms in individuals diagnosed with eating disorders. European Eating Disorder Review, 27(3), 295-305. doi: 10.1002/erv.2657


Levinson, C.A., Sala, M., Murray, S., Ma, J.  Rodebaugh, T. L., & Lenze, E.C. (2019). Diagnostic, clinical, and personality correlates of food anxiety during a food exposure in patients diagnosed with an eating disorder. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s40519-019-00669-w


Sala, M., Han, K., Acevedo, S.F., Krawczyk, D.C., & McAdams, C.J. (2018).  Oxytocin receptor polymorphism decreases midline neural activations to social stimuli in anorexia nervosa. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2183. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02183


Sala, M., Egbert, A.H., Lavender, J.M., & Goldschmidt, A.B. (2018). Affect, reward, and punishment in anorexia nervosa: a narrative overview. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 23(6), 731-737. doi: 10.1007/s40519-018-0588-9


Schaumberg, K., Reilly, E.E., Anderson, L.M., Gorrell, S., Wang, S.B., & Sala, M. (2018). Improving prediction of eating-related behavioral outcomes with zero-sensitive regression models. Appetite, 129(1), 252-261. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.06.030


Levinson, C.A., Sala, M., Fewell, L.K., Brosof, L.C., Fournier, L., & Lenze, E.J. (2018). Meal and snack-time eating disorder cognitions predict eating disorder behaviors and vice versa in a treatment seeking sample: A mobile technology based ecological momentary assessment study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 105, 36-42. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2018.03.008


Sala, M., Brosof, L.C., Rosenfield, D., Fernandez, K.C., & Levinson, C.A. (2017). Stress is associated with exercise differently among individuals with higher and lower eating disorder symptoms: An ecological momentary assessment study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 50(12), 1413-1420. doi: 10.1002/eat.22799


Sala, M., & Levinson, C.A. (2017). A longitudinal study on the association between facets of mindfulness and disinhibited eating. Mindfulness, 8(4), 893-902. doi: 10.1007/s12671-016-0663-0


Sala, M., Haller, D.L, Laferrère, B., Homel, P., & McGinty, J. (2017). Predictors of attrition before and after bariatric surgery. Obesity Surgery, 27(2), 548-551. doi: 10.1007/s11695-016-2510-8


Sala, M., Breithaupt, L., Bulik, C.M., Hamer, R.M., La Via, M., & Brownley, K.A. (2017). A double-blind, randomized pilot trial of chromium picolinate for overweight individuals with binge eating disorder: Effects on glucose regulation. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 14(2), 191-199. doi: 10.1080/19390211.2016.1207124


Baldwin, A.S., Denman, D.C., Sala, M., Marks, E.G., Shay, L.A., Craddock Lee, S., Skinner, C.S., Wiebe, D.J., & Tiro, J.A. (2017). Translating self-persuasion into an HPV vaccine promotion intervention for parents in safety-net clinics. Patient Education and Counseling, 100(4), 736-741. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.11.014


Hofmeir, S., Runfola, C.D., Sala, M., Gagne, D.A., Brownley, K.A., & Bulik, C.M. (2017). Body image, aging, and identity in women over 50: The gender and body image (GABI) study. Journal of Women and Aging, 29(1), 3-14. doi: 10.1080/08952841.2015.1065140


Stano, S., Alam, F., Wu, L., Dutia, R., Ng, S.N., Sala, M., McGinty, J. & Laferrère, B. (2017). Effect of meal size and texture on gastric pouch emptying and glucagon like peptide 1 after gastric bypass surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 13(12), 1975-1983. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2017.09.004


Sala, M., Baldwin, A.S., & Williams, D.M. (2016). Affective and cognitive predictors of affective response to exercise: Examining unique and overlapping variance. Psychology of Sports & Exercise, 27, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2016.07.005


Sala, M., & Levinson, C.A. (2016). The longitudinal relationship between worry and disordered eating: Is worry a precursor or consequence of disordered eating? Eating Behaviors, 23, 28-32. doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2016.07.012


Sala, M., Heard, A.M., & Black, E.A.* (2016). Emotion-focused treatments for anorexia nervosa: a systematic review of the literature. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 21(2), 147-164. doi: 10.1007/s40519-016-0257-9


Chmielewski, M., Sala, M., Tang, R., & Baldwin, A.S. (2016). Examining the construct validity of affective judgments of physical activity measures. Psychological Assessment, 28 (9), 1128-1141. doi: 10.1037/pas0000322


Breithaupt, L., Sala, M., Hamer, R.M., Bulik, C.M., La Via, M., & Brownley, K.A. (2016). Feasibility and acceptability of chromium supplementation for binge eating disorder. Journal of Nutritional Medicine and Diet Care, 2(10), 1-6. doi: 10.23937/2572-3278.1510010


Reyes-Rodríguez, M.L., García, M., Silva, Y., Sala, M., Quranta, M., & Bulik, C.M. (2016). Storytelling: Development of fotonovelas to raise awareness of eating disorders in Latinos in the United States. Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios, 7(1), 17-23. doi: 10.1016/j.rmta.2016.03.002


Sala, M., Reyes-Rodríguez, M.L., Bulik, C.M., & Bardone-Cone, A.M. (2013). Race, ethnicity and eating disorder recognition by peers. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 21(5), 423-436. doi: 10.1080/10640266.2013.827540


Reyes-Rodríguez, M.L., Sala, M., Von Holle, A., Unikel, C., Bulik, C.M., Cámara-Fuentes, L., & Suárez-Torres, A. (2011). A description of disordered eating behaviors in Latino males. Journal of American College Health, 59(4), 266-272. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2010.502205

Peer-Reviewed Presentations & Symposia


Sala, M., & Roos, C.R. (November, 2022). Mindfulness- and acceptance-based treatments for eating disorders. Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.


Sala, M., & Brosof, L.C. (November, 2017). Exercise in individuals with disordered eating: How and for whom might it be beneficial? Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA


Coll, S.*, Retter, R*. & Sala, M. (November, 2023). Gender stereotypes in eating disorder recognition. In Kinkel-Ram, S. (chair). Weight bias and disordered eating among sexual and gender minority individuals. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Seattle, WA.


Sala, M., Levinson, C.A., Kober, H., & Roos, C.R. A pilot open trial of a digital mindfulness-based intervention for anorexia nervosa (November, 2022). In Sala, M. & Roos, C.R. (chairs), Mindfulness- and acceptance-based treatments for eating disorders. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York City, NY.Academy of Eating Disorders Social Media Committee, 2021 – 2022.


Roos, C.R., Sala, M., Levinson, C.A., & Kober H (November, 2022). Interactive effects of momentary mindfulness and affect in the prediction of momentary eating disorder behaviors among individuals with anorexia nervosa. In Sala, M. & Roos, C.R. (chairs), Mindfulness- and acceptance-based treatments for eating disorders. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York City, NY.


Sala, M., Roos, C.R., Crochiere, R.J.*, Butryn, M.L., Juarascio, A.S., Manasse, S.M., & Forman, E.M. (June, 2021) Real-time fluctuations in mindful awareness, willingness, and values clarity, and their associations with craving and dietary lapse among those seeking weight loss. In Dalrymple, K.L. (chair), Understanding the role of contextual behavioral science in obesity and obesity treatments. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science.


Sala, M., Roos, C.R., Brewer, J.A., & Garrison, K.A. (April, 2021). Awareness, affect, and craving during smoking cessation: an ecological momentary study. Oral presentation at the annual meeting Society of Behavioral Medicine.


Sala, M., Geary, B.*, & Baldwin, A.S. (March, 2019). An audio-recorded mindfulness exercise intervention: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Oral presentation at the annual meeting Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.


Sala, M., Shankar Ram, S.*, Vanzhula, I.A., & Levinson, C.A. (March, 2019). Mindfulness and eating disorder psychopathology: A meta-analysis. Paper presentation at the Academy of Eating Disorders, International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY.


Levinson, C.A., Sala, M., Murray, S., Rodebaugh, T.L, & Lenze, E.J. (November, 2018). Diagnostic, clinical, and personality correlates of food anxiety during a short course of mealtime exposure therapy in patients diagnosed with an eating disorder. In Farrell, N.R., & Rancourt, D. (chairs), Food anxiety during exposure therapy in patients with eating disorders. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington, DC.


Sala, M., Vanzhula, I., Juarascio, A., Vazzano, K., & Levinson, C.A. (April, 2018). Incorporating mindfulness into eating disorder research and treatment. Workshop presentation at the Academy for Eating Disorders, International Conference on Eating Disorders, Chicago IL.


Vanzhula, I., Sala, M.,  & Levinson, C.A. (April, 2018). Improving acting with awareness may be key to a successful mindfulness-based intervention for eating disorders. Paper presentation at the Academy for Eating Disorders, International Conference on Eating Disorders, Chicago IL. 


Sala, M., Rochefort, C., Lui, P., & Baldwin, A.S. (March, 2018). Mindfulness and health behaviors: A meta-analysis. Oral presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Social and Personality Health Network Preconference, Atlanta, GA.


Sala, M., Brosof, L.C., Rosenfield, D., Fernandez, K.C. & Levinson, C.A. (November, 2017). Stress impacts exercise differently among individuals with high and low levels of eating disorder symptoms: An ecological momentary assessment study.  In Sala, M. & Brosof, L.C. (chairs), Exercise in individuals with disordered eating: How and for whom might it be beneficial? Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA.


Brosof, L. C., Sala, M., Fernandez, K.C., & Levinson, C.A. (November, 2017). Body dissatisfaction moderates the relationship between social anxiety and exercise frequency: An ecological momentary assessment study. In Sala, M. & Brosof, L.C. (chairs), Exercise in individuals with disordered eating: How and for whom might it be beneficial? Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA.


Heard, A.M., Sala, M., Breithaupt, L., Becker, K.R., & Lavender, J.M. (June, 2017). Integrating basic behavioral, psychological, and neurobiological research into the study of eating disorders. Workshop presentation at the Academy for Eating Disorders, International Conference on Eating Disorders, Prague, Czech Republic.


Sala, M., Heard, A.M., Manasse, S.M., & Baldwin, A.S. (March, 2017). Applying for graduate funding from the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Health. Panel discussion at the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA.


Baldwin, A.S., Sala, M., Tang, R., & Chmielewski, M. (January, 2017). Construct validity of affective judgments of physical activity measures: Current limitations and implications. Oral presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Health Preconference, San Antonio, TX.


Ferrari, M., Sala, M., Vazzano, K., & Spotts-De Lazzer, A. (May, 2016). The art of making things happen: Understanding the advocacy landscape. Workshop presentation at the Academy for Eating Disorders, International Conference on Eating Disorders, San Francisco, CA.


Reyes-Rodríguez, M.L., Sala, M., Von Holle, A., & Bulik, C.M. (June, 2010). Latino males: A description of disordered eating behaviors. Paper presentation at the Academy for Eating Disorders, International Conference on Eating Disorders, Salzburg, Austria.

Psychologists and Therapists  in Greenwich, Darien, Westport, Westchester, and Surrounding Areas in Connecticut and New York

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